Monday, December 31, 2018

Sunset over the Sea

Sunset over Oslofjord: painting the winter sky

Sunset at Oslo Harbor

As 2018 draws to a close, it's time for the sun to set and for the final lines to be written for 2018. Just as the sunset casts reflections in the ripples of Oslofjord, I'm going to use this last blog post of the year for reflection, and to just share some of my favorite photos from Oslo.

Sunset over the boats at Aker Brygge.

One year ago, I could only dream of living in Oslo. Now after several months, full of wonder, and sometimes struggles, I'm so blessed to be able to call this city my home.

View of the boats and Akershus Festning.

In the short time I've been here, I have absolutely fallen in love with the nature; islands, parks, forests, and lakes around the city.

Boats in the harbor.

I'm so grateful for my parents who have always supported me, and continue to have my back despite the distance. I am also grateful of my classmates, friends, and Norway for welcoming me with open arms and helping me to feel at home.

Statues along Oslo harbor.

Despite the challenges I've faced and those which will surely arise next year, I feel so blessed and happy. This next year; dream big, work hard, and never give up! Anything is possible if you believe!

The setting sun.

Thanks for taking time out to read my blog! I look forward to sharing new adventures and photos! Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and healthy 2019!

Godt nytt år!   Hyvää Uuta Vuotta!   Happy New Year!

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