Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sunshine & Lakes: Trekking in Nordmarka

A Sunny Sunday Adventure 


It feels like ages since I've seen blue skies. Yet, today the sun was out and shining; making it the perfect day to be out hiking.

Water flowing from Øyungsdammen.

This morning after breakfast I caught bus #51 in the direction of Maridalen and rode up to Skar, which is the last stop on the line.


At the end of August, I visited Øyungen lake with some classmates. However, we just had a short hike to the lake and rested by the shore. So, this time I wanted to walk around the lake and explore the forest paths.

Photo-op by the lake.

It was pretty chilly this morning, only 37F or about 3C. Despite the cold, lots of people were out taking advantage of the nice weather. It was actually a bit strange to see so many people, because I had been in the area last Sunday when it was misty, yet slightly warmer, and it was just about deserted on the paths, minus several bikers.


Fortunately, it's easy to get away from crowds and far enough away from the noises of the city. In the summertime, I think it would be nice to camp along the lake. Many still camp around it now, but at this time of year it's important to be strategic with packing since the nights are cold, and I don't have the camping gear for that.

Eastern side of Øyungen.

The hike along the lake was absolutely beautiful. Sometimes it's a bit slow going because the paths tend to be a bit flooded, but the views are definitely worth the time and occasional soggy shoe.

View of the lake. 

I hiked north along the eastern side of Øyungen following the trail along the side of lake. There are lots of trails heading in the same direction, but I prefer to take the narrow paths with the water views rather than taking the wider, main trails which zigzag through the forests.

Wetland area near the eastern edge of the lake.

As I hiked on, the pathway drew away from the main part of the lake, and went along a smaller channel. Here the lake became smaller and wetlands started to emerge.

Ice and wetlands.

This small portion of the lake was more closed off, making it shadier and colder. Already some of the water near the shoreline had turned frozen over.

The fields of Liggeren gård.

After hiking around the eastern half of Øyungen, the path led up through the forests and past the fields of Liggeren gård.

Trail sign outside Liggeren gård.

When I got to the top of the farm I took a look at the trail sign and decided to head towards Gåslungen gård (1,5km away).

My shadow waving to the camera.

When I go hiking I usually have no plan where I'm going. I just like to walk and see new places. However, on these short days there is one thing I keep in mind; which direction I'm heading.

Frozen pond.

I always try to make sure I make a loop of some sort so that I can head back to Skar or Hammeren, where I know there are bus stops.

Frost around the leaves.

With the sun now setting by 15:40, it's important to have an idea where I am so I can leave enough time to get out to safety. There are no lights along the paths, so when the sun sets, it gets very dark very fast.

Dam made of logs near Gåslungen.

With tree roots and flooded paths, poor lighting definitely doesn't make for safe travel. Plus, as the day went on, it got visibly colder. The more north I hiked the more frost there was on the plants and ground.

River flowing from Gåslungen.

Near Gåslungen gård there was an old wooden dam made of logs, along with a bridge to cross the water flowing down from Gåslungen lake.

Trail sign by Gåslungen gård.

Upon arriving at the farm I took a look at the trail sign to see where I was, and headed in the direction of Hammeren (7.5km away).

Looking out over Gåslungen.

There are several types of paths in the forests of Nordmarka. Paths going along the water, through the forests, and also wide roads for bicyclists and the occasional farmer's car.

Looking north across Gåslungen.

Normally every time I come to the forests things are mostly silent. Just a few birds, but nothing more. 


Today, I actually saw a couple of horseback riders, and glimpsed a woodpecker before it flew away. Still no moose, no deer, no fish, and very few birds.

Little island in Gåslungen.

Rain or shine, the lakes are so peaceful and flawless. Oslo is a nice city, but being out in the nature is where I am most happy.

Small island in Rottungen.

Following the trail from Gåslungen, I joined with the main path and headed towards Rottungen. I wish I had time to walk further along Rottungen, but it was about an hour away from sunset and I still had quite a trek down to Hammeren.

Sun setting over Skjærsjøen.

Heading south along the wider bike road to save time, I finally arrived at place I knew. A spot I had ended up in last week when I was exploring Nordmarka. I felt a bit relieved to know where I was since night was coming.

View of Skjærsjøen from the dam.

I passed Skjærsjøen just as it was coming up on 15:30 and took some quick photos before continuing my journey down to Hammeren.

The river flowing from Skjærsjøen down to Maridalvannet.

The walk was getting colder, and it was quickly getting darker, yet lots of bikers and hikers were still out and about.

The moon rising over the forests.

Through the soft pink glow of sunset, the moon arrived high in the sky over the eastern forests of Oslo. At last I made it down to Hammeren right across from Maridalvannet, and waited to catch the bus back home.

Looking towards the southeast side of Maridalsvannet.

It was such a lovely day, and I had a great hike enjoying many new places in Nordmarka!

Map of the hiking route I made.

Tusen takk for a nice Sunday adventure!

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